The Reich Without Hitler series explores a world where, in late June of
1940, Germany is ruled by a mixed Nazi-Army junta under the new Führer,
Herman Göring. It starts as our recognizable World War Two and proceeds
in different directions to create something new and unique. In the
Falcons of Malta, we take the war to Malta, the start of a major
campaign in the Middle Sea. The book covers both the high-level strategy
and one company of the Nibelungen Legion, a new service formed after
Hitler’s death. Our merry band of freebooters will reveal the picaresque
adventures that war can be. We even get a wartime Romeo and Juliet.
Strap into your glider and come along for the ride.
There are
many World War II alternate histories out there, but many if not most
stumble on one thing: they require Hitler (a gambler, not to mention
thoroughly evil and insane) to not act like Hitler. Author Scott Palter
deftly solves the quandary by removing Hitler of the equation by his
death shortly after the Nazis' victory in France. How will the new
leadership act?
The novel answers those questions as it follows
the ensuing weeks since the Fuhrer's death from both the top (the new
rulers and, more importantly, the ones operating behind the scenes) and
the bottom (as we follow the misadventures of an unlikely pack of rogues
and accidental heroes). As the British (the only great power still in
the fight) and the Soviets (at peace but never a friend of the Nazis)
make their own plans, the war for dominion of Europe if not the world
continues. The book is fast-paced, engrossing read. A must for World War
Two AH fans, and an enjoyable read on its own.
C.J. Carella